Al Race is Chief Knowledge Officer and Deputy Director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. The Center catalyzes local, national, and international innovation in policy and practice for children and families, especially those facing serious adversity. In collaboration with a broad network of research, practice, policy, community, and philanthropic leaders, the Center seeks transformational impacts on lifelong learning, behavior, and both physical and mental health. A member of the Center’s senior leadership since 2006, Al’s focus is on how to use the knowledge generated by the Center’s work in order to transform the landscape in which science-based innovation for children and families facing adversity can thrive and grow. As a senior spokesperson for the Center, he helps scientists, researchers, students, the media, and other thought leaders improve their understanding and communication of the science of child development and science-based innovation and apply it to their work. He also leads the Center's knowledge translation, communication, and public engagement portfolios, including the development and execution of strategic communications plans, communications research, publications, and new media products. He guides the team that produces the Center’s website, which now averages more than 5,500 video views and paper downloads each day and more than 1.3 million visits per year from 200 countries.
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