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Lance Robertson

Partner in State Health at Guidehouse

Lance Robertson is a Partner in State Health at Guidehouse.  He joined the firm in 2021, after serving in Washington DC as the Assistant Secretary on Aging and Administrator of the HHS Administration for Community Living (ACL).  From 2007 to 2017, Lance served as the Director of Aging Services for the State of Oklahoma and oversaw the Older Americans Act programs and ran the state’s largest Medicaid waiver.  He is also a Past President of ADvancing States, the national association membership group of State Aging Directors.  Prior to state service, Lance was an administrator for twelve years at Oklahoma State University.  He has served on numerous boards and committees at the local, state and federal levels and speaks regularly at events across the country.  He is a subject matter expert on home and community-based services, social drivers of health, community-based organization network development, stakeholder engagement, public sector leadership and more.  He has a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) from the University of Central Oklahoma and is an Army veteran.       

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About Us

The National Center to Reframe Aging is dedicated to ending ageism by advancing an equitable and complete story about aging in America. The center is the trusted source for proven communication strategies and tools to effectively frame aging issues. It is the nation’s leading organization, cultivating an active community of individuals and organizations to spread awareness of implicit bias toward older people and influence policies and programs that benefit all of us as we age.

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Caravan is the National Center to Reframe Aging’s bi-monthly newsletter. Six times a year, we share information, ideas, and inspiration to help our fellow travelers on our journey to improve the public's understanding of what aging means and the contributions older people bring to society. Sign up now!

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